Aventura eBooks - Books for the 21st Century

Aventura eBooks - Books for the 21st Century

No passion in the world is equal to the passion to alter someone else’s draft.
H. G. Wells

Some editors are failed writers, but so are most writers.
T. S. Elliot

Lindsay Eveleen - Published May 2012

About the Author

Lindsay Eveleen lives in the Netherlands and has studied social and individual psychology. She has travelled extensively throughout the world with her husband.
The idea for her debut novel 'The Truth About Johnno' came from a girlfriend who had suffered from an inferiority complex and because of that became an alcoholic.

Lindsay's grandfather comes from Australia so she knows the area well and likes to set her stories there.

Her hobbies include writing (of course), gardening (roses are her favourite flowers) and she enjoys visiting galleries.

Aventura eBooks
Lindsay Eveleen
Editorial - Aventura eBooks

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